I just signed up for an art project that I am very excited about. "A Million Little Pictures".
A Million Little Pictures presents Photomobile, a traveling library of photographs from across the globe. The project asks contributors to shoot 27 frames on a chosen theme, allowing viewers to experience the myriad ways that a single story can be captured in an image. These photographs are then joined together to create a new narrative, journeying together from coast to coast. What begins as thousands of individual expressions ends as a communal experience — A Million Little Pictures, one cross-country adventure.
Art House Co-op organizes interactive art projects that connect thousands of artists from all over the world and operates the Brooklyn Art Library, our storefront space and permanent archive. All of our projects are open to everyone.
I'm no artist, I'm not a photographer, but either way I think this is going to be a lot of fun.
Check it out.
My Happy Place

Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Reverb10: One Word
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
As I think about this past year and the things I’ve seen and felt it didn’t take long for the word to come. 2010 has brought me *clarity*. For me, this word holds a lot of meaning due to the personal and internal growth that has come to me in the last year. I’ve gained oodles of clarity about myself, people in my life, my job, my past, my feelings, and my body. This clarity has brought me some much needed peace and some harsh realities.
Over the last year I’ve come to only listen and believe a portion of what people say. I’ve come to realize that I’m emotionally detached (at least partially) to most everyone in my life. This then lead into clarity about my feelings, which derive from many past hurts. It’s not an excuse, it’s a reality and truthfully I like that it’s what I’ve morphed into. I still love, I still give and share, but I’m guarded and there is a part of me that believes that no one will ever have 100% of me.
My body. . .an ever vigilant issue for me. I don’t like it, well most of the time I don’t anyway. I’m coming to terms with that. Why I feel that way. The dislike comes from various sources, including myself and I know that I am not alone. It’s something that will likely take longer than a year to get to the bottom of, heck 10 years might not be enough time, but I’m trying. I have clarified that it’s deep seeded, so I need to now clarify where and what and why so I can learn to love my body…as a size 2 or 12. It’s also become clear that I can’t change my body if I don’t do the work. The women I envy their bodies have to do the work too. Why do I feel I’m any different from them?
So my word for 2010 is clarity.
The word I want to be able to use for 2011 came just as quickly. *Change*. In 2011 I want to experience a lot of change! I want to change my current position at work. I love the company I work for and what I do but. . . I’m ready for a change. I want to do something new, to explore and expand my mind. I’d like to change my living situation. I’m very fortunate that after my marriage failed, I was able to return home and live with my Dad, who is a tremendous help to me. However, I am an adult and I yearn for my own space and I know he does too, though I have enjoyed the time with him. For me most importantly I want to change my body. I want to change the way I eat (not good), I want to change how much, how often, and how hard I exercise. These are the things that ring as strong for me to change. I know that these changes will not come swiftly or probably even easily, but they will come if I work for them. I want to change my life.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What's New
Avon has some really great colors coming out. I'm especially excited about this one. If you are interested in anything you can reach me on my cell (303-870-3101), send me an email (lydiajkelley@yahoo.com) or for even more convenience, you can shop online @ youravon.com/lydiakelley.
Also if you would like to see a catalogue, please let me know. I'd be happy to bring one to you.
Also if you would like to see a catalogue, please let me know. I'd be happy to bring one to you.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Circles of Earth
My friend wore this to work the other day and I loved it. She warned me it was difficult to make, which was true, but it was worth the work. Made entirely of seed beads in white, pink, blue, green, and brown, it can be worn with many things.
Heart's Desire
I copied the idea of this necklace from Stringing magazine Fall 2010. It's my new favorite piece. Finished length is 17 1/2" using red stones, silver spacers, and red glass rodelles.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
For years I have used Avon products. I love it. I also love what the company does for cancer research and for the awareness of domestic violence. So a few weeks ago as I was preparing my next order to give to my Avon lady, I thought "I wonder what I would have to do to become a rep?" My orders alone would justify me becoming a rep (I really do buy a lot), so I set up a meeting with my Avon lady and now I am a rep! I'm so excited about this opportunity.
Some of the wonderful products they offer are amazing anti-aging products and fabulous makeup.
Avon also does some tremendous work with charities, such as cancer research and awareness of domestic violence!
If you are interested in placing an order you can contact me @ 303-870-3101 or lydiajkelley@yahoo.com
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday Night Fun
When I'm home and get a moment of inspiration, I usually pick up my beading supplies. Yesterday I did just that and had a great time making some new things. I really like the copper and green. I LOVE copper. I think I like it more than silver...
And of course a bracelet to match is always a good idea. :)I also made a great black piece.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Mom's New Necklace
My dear friend Judy has given me many jewelry restoration products over the last few months. Her Mother was a big jewelry collector and has some beautiful pieces...which were broke or needed to be updated to something that was a little more modern. This particular piece was coral that her mother had aquired many, many years ago in Hawaii.
Silver always helps bring something to a more modern state. The end result was a beautiful piece that my friend can wear for many years to come.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pearl Necklace
My friend Coxy had a long pearl necklace that belonged to her Grandma, which broke, so she brought it to me to fix and ask that I give it a new modern spin. This is what I came up with. . .
I used the pearls from her necklace, which were originally strung on a very elborate silver string. I then incorporated sterling silver chain and other findings, such as silver spacer beads...
I used the pearls from her necklace, which were originally strung on a very elborate silver string. I then incorporated sterling silver chain and other findings, such as silver spacer beads...
This necklacee measures over 72" long and can be worn in many, many different ways.
I hope she loves it.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Lost Girls

Reading their book right now, which I'm really enjoying. I highly recommend it.
Check out their blog...
Reading their book right now, which I'm really enjoying. I highly recommend it.
Check out their blog...
Recently a friend of mine had a heart attack. It's got me to thinking the last few days about my life...About where I am and what I'm doing. The choices I've made and the many more I will make. I go through periods of restlessness, being uncertain, and general displeasure. I know I'm not alone. Many of my friends are feeling it too. It leaves me wondering though, what am I doing and what is the source of these feelings? Is there something I can be doing to improve my state? I have quite a lot to be thankful for, yet sometimes I feel like something is missing. I know that this is coming from within me however. It's not something that can be eleviated by an outside source. I want to find what it is and become at peace with myself, my life, and my surroundings. I'm just not sure how to do it...
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