Today when I asked someone how they were doing they said "oh you know just hanging curtains in my rut...
This got me to thinking about my rut. Why I'm in a rut, why I'm hanging curtains in my rut, because quite frankly I'm not only hanging curtains, but installing new carpet, hardwood floors, and bathroom fixtures (I apparently plan to be here for a while), and how do I "move out" of my rut.
I find so often that something inspires me and sends a spark to my mind which fonders me into creating a fanstatical idea for jewelry, for a business, for an activity or adventure...and then well, nothing really happens. Rather, I guess I should say I never do anything with it. Why do we get in ruts? Are they comfortable? Are we afraid we will fail? I think it's all of that but also, quite simply, some of us are just lazy boobs! Boobs are great, don't get me wrong, really they are quite lovely, unless you are being one and your just laying there!
I really don't want to lie here anymore, maybe I need a boob job but I sure would like to purk up, get going, and do some things. I'd like to start that jewelry website. I'd like to really truly do that parkour, not just say I will. I want to take that overnight trip to a famous hotel in Colorado and stay in one of the famous "haunted" rooms. I want to stop hanging curtain, stop being a professional interior decorator, and put up the for sale sign!
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