My Happy Place

My Happy Place

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Confusion of it All

So I have embarked upon the eating healthier and man alive is this stuff confusing.  Don't eat this, eat that, no wait don't eat that, eat this.  I'm slowly learning that it comes down to fruit (though not too much because of the sugar) and veggies and meat.  Wow...that's a lot of choices.  I know this is not really true, there are more options and I have to take the time to find them, but at this very moment it sure is what it feels like.

A while back I found this really great website about this girl who lost a lot of weight eating healthier.  She has some really great ideas and she is very inspiring.  The only thing she does that I don't like is she uses jello powder as a sugar replacement.  I'm not a fan of jello because of what it contains.  "Jello has gelatin which is a protein in the animal connective tissues. The gelatin, itself, comes from a non-kosher source such as the pig."  (  Instead I think a better alternative is Truvia which is a sugar replacement that is made from stevia, which comes from a leaf.  The nice thing about Truvia is that it is not overly sweet like sugar replacements can be.

I've been trying many new things.  Some work out.  Some don't.  The other night I made egg muffins which had egg whites, turkey bacon, green pepper, mushroom, and fat free cheese.  They came out really yummy.  Today for lunch I took a red pepper, spread fat free cream cheese on it and topped it with ham.  This did not taste yummy.

It's been a learning process and I have a long way to go but with each success I feel more sure that I can tackle this eating healthy business some day down the road.  Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Thanks for reading.


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