My Happy Place

My Happy Place

Friday, April 27, 2012

Motivation...where for art thou!?

Okay seriously...I'm getting concerned.  I have no do anything.  I used to be one of those people who could get a lot done in a short amount of time.  Now I'm that person that can barely get anything done in a lot of time!  I'm having a hard time.  I don't know if is all that has gone on in my life within the last six months, the environment I'm in, or if I'm just becoming that lazy person I feared I could be.  I know we all have our days when we don't want to do anything, but I've now strung days into weeks and weeks into months.  I read Facebook posts of friends who are doing, getting things done and I'm envious....but then I sit and don't do anything.  I don't want to do homework, or laundry, or workout, or do crafts.  I mostly want to sit and watch TV...well TV shows on DVD.

I'm not really sure where the girl who was always so busy is but I wish she would return.  And what reallly scares me is not that she left but that I don't know HOW to get her back.  Why am I so unmotivated to do the things that once brought me pleasure.  Now the only pleasure I get is rotting out my brain.

My brother just gave me a sheet of really great quotes, how fitting since I'm writint this.  A couple that really struck me where.

"You are what you repeatedly doo.  Excellence is not an event - it is a habit"  ~ Aristotle
I repeatedly do nothing but watch TV, so how do I get back my habits I once had, so that I can be excellent once again?  Maybe I don't need to get back the old ones but find new ones.  I just wish I knew how.  I look at my to do list every day and feel daunted by it.  Perhaps it's time to return to meditation....prayer.  Maybe I need to hand this over to someone else and be guided that way.  Maybe I need to read "Seven Habits again. 

"Obstacles don't have to stop you.  If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up.  Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work arount it" ~ Michael Jackson

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