My Happy Place

My Happy Place

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The "B" List

Most of us have one....that list, of all the things we want to do, big and small in life.  "The Bucket List".  We create them to inspire ourselves to do more, be more, find things that make us happy.  These list push us to experience things that maybe we wouldn't.

So I've been working on mine.  It's clique I know, but I'm at a place in life in which I'm not sure what makes me happy anymore, which doing what makes us happy is really the meaning of life, which ultimately is the question that plaques my mind, everyday.

Originally I started it for things to do the rest of the year.  Planning on keeping it around 10's now grown to over 50. 

Do you have a bucket list?  What's on it.  Please share...if you wish.  I'd love to hear what is on it.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I have no bucket list. I just want to be a good father and have my son grow up to be happy and have a decent job. That is my purpose in life.
